30*40CM 2.0 thick double-sided wave fiber-clad copper board universal board universal board circuit board experiment board
FR4 30x40mm double-sided Copper Clad Laminate PCB Board Glass Fiberboard CCL
Panel Size: Approx. 30mm x 40mm
Thickness: 2.0mm
Weight: Approx. 15g each
Layers: double-sided
Panel: FR4
Operating Temperature: Up to 140 °C or 285°F
This double-sided PCB Copper Clad Laminate Board is made of copper foil by the hot-pressing technology.
Super-fine steel-wool, Restore4, Tarn-X, roscherite, Zap or similar before using.
After that be sure to rinse and dry so without any water spots.
Combined resin with reinforced material.
As basic material of PCB production.
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