32 Channel Servo Motor Control Driver Board for Robot Project and Chassis Controller
  • 32 Channel Servo Motor Control Driver Board for Robot Project and Chassis Controller
  • 32 Channel Servo Motor Control Driver Board for Robot Project and Chassis Controller
  • 32 Channel Servo Motor Control Driver Board for Robot Project and Chassis Controller

32 Channel Servo Motor Control Driver Board for Robot Project and Chassis Controller

  • SKU: 24114
  (9995 Pieces available)
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Product description Features: - Powerful MCU - High controlling accuracy - Offline operation function - Identify baud rate automatically Specfications: - Controlling MCU power supply: 6.5~12 V or 3.5~5.5V. (USB can be used to power the chip on servos board. And it can be chosen automatically. With the USB reverse protection, it can protect your computer from been hurted by the reverse USB.) - Servos power supply: DC (depends on the motors, generally 5V DC) - Control channels: 32. (can be controlled at the same time and the accuracy can be adjusted) - Communication Input: USB or UART (TTL or USART). (The Bluetooth or some other wireless module can be used to make the controlling) - Signal Output: PWM (Accuracy 1us). - Servo motor resolution: 1us, 0.09 degrees. - Baud Rate: 9600,19200,28400,57600,115200,128000(recognized automatically) - Servo motors supported: Futaba, Hitec or some other Servos Motor controlled by PWM. - Dimensions: 63.5mm x 43.5mm x 1.6mm. - Control mode: USB and UART (TTL) to accept command. (Comes with USB data wire and PC controlling software) - Flash memory: onboard 512K ROM (If every command is used to control the 32 motors at the same time, more than 500 commands can be saved.) Package: 32-Channel Servo Control Board x1pc

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