Accessory Shield for Arduino Development Prototype Expansion with Joystick Adjustable Potentiometer Buzzer Temperature Sensor XBee Interface
  • Accessory Shield for Arduino Development Prototype Expansion with Joystick Adjustable Potentiometer Buzzer Temperature Sensor XBee Interface
  • Accessory Shield for Arduino Development Prototype Expansion with Joystick Adjustable Potentiometer Buzzer Temperature Sensor XBee Interface
  • Accessory Shield for Arduino Development Prototype Expansion with Joystick Adjustable Potentiometer Buzzer Temperature Sensor XBee Interface
  • Accessory Shield for Arduino Development Prototype Expansion with Joystick Adjustable Potentiometer Buzzer Temperature Sensor XBee Interface

Accessory Shield for Arduino Development Prototype Expansion with Joystick Adjustable Potentiometer Buzzer Temperature Sensor XBee Interface

  • SKU: 24055
  (10000 Pieces available)
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product description description: Accessories for Arduino development Shielding, multiple attachments on a single circuit board. specification: Joystick (5 directions) Adjustable potentiometer buzzer RGB LED Temperature Sensor 3-axis digital accelerometer High-precision RTC 0.96 inch OLED xBee interface feature: Arduino standard interface compatible with Arduino board such as Arduino UNO, Leonardo, NUCLEO, xNUCLEO Easy to use, with all the onboard accessories underlying library, just call the relevant functions Onboard xBee interface, support for connecting xBee wireless module for remote communication

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