Product Name: SPEAKER motherboard buzzer alarm / board trumpet Price: an alarm buzzer Connector Type: Dupont first pitch 4pin 2.54 Special Note: Many new motherboard boot normally are not sound, for example, Gigabyte motherboard, then we can try to take down the memory, known man-made problem occurs when you boot up alarm. Usage: red is positive, black line is negative (in fact, regardless of positive and negative, as long as the interface can be connected to the Speaker use) Main features: Boot the computer later. We will hear the familiar sound "beep" a sound, generally indicating that the computer can be used normally. This sound is from this "baby" issue. The buzzer sound can be judged by the motherboard working condition. Motherboard alarm sound Description: AWARD BIOS ringing of the general meaning is: 1 short: the system starts properly, which we hear every day, but also that machines without any problems. 2 short: General error, please enter the CMOS Setup, reset the incorrect options. 1 long 1 short: RAM or motherboard error, try for a memory, if that does not work, had to replace the motherboard. 1 long 2 short: Monitor or display card error. 1 long 3 short: Keyboard controller error, check the motherboard. 1 long 9 short: board Flash RAM or EPROM error, BIOS damage. For the block Flash RAM try. Continuous sound (long beeps): memory is not seated or damaged. Re-insert the memory, if that does not work, replace only a memory. It kept ringing: power supply, display and graphics card connected. Check all plugs. Repeat short ring: Power problems. No sound No display: power problems. AMI BIOS ringing of the general meaning is: 1. a short sound, memory refresh failure. More serious memory corruption, I am afraid have to replace the memory is not available. 2. The two short blasts, memory parity error. You can enter the CMOS settings, memory Parity Parity option to turn off that setting Disabled. In general, however, the memory of parity and parity open in the CMOS settings, which the stability of the microcomputer system is good. 3. The three short sound system base memory (1st 64Kb) check failed. Replacing the memory of it. 4. The four short sound system clock error. Repair or replace the motherboard. 5. The five short blasts, CPU error. But not all the fault of the CPU itself, it may be CPU socket or anywhere else there is a problem, if the CPU correctly on other motherboard, the motherboard that is certainly wrong. 6. The six short blasts, keyboard controller error. If the keyboard is not plugged in, easy to handle, plug in on the line; if the keyboard is connected properly but the error message, you may want to try for a good keyboard; otherwise, it is a keyboard controller chip or related parts have a problem. 7. The seven short blasts, real-mode system error, you can not switch to protected mode. It also belongs to the motherboards fault. 8. The eight short beeps, memory read / write errors. Chip memory on the video card may have damaged. If the memory chip is removable, simply find and replace a bad chip on the line, otherwise the card needs to be repaired or replaced. 9. The nine short blasts, ROM BIOS test error. For the block of the same type of good BIOS try, if it is proved BIOS there are problems, you can rewrite or even hot-swap method attempts to recover. 10. The ten short beeps, register read / write errors. Only to repair or replace the motherboard. 11. The eleven short sound, cache error. 12. If you hear no beep ringing can not see the screen, you should first check the power supply is connected, in the maintenance often easy to neglect, not connected to the motherboard power to start the test. Secondly, we have to look at what is not less plug components such as CPU, memory and so on. Once again, unplug all the cards in question, leaving only the graphics card to try. Finally found clear (clear) jumper CMOS settings, clear the CMOS settings back to factory state to allow the BIOS on the motherboard. If the monitor or video card, and have no connection problem, CPU and memory is not a problem, after these steps, the computer still does not show or ringing in the boot, it can only be a motherboard problem. POENIX of BIOS alarm sound (there are many POENIX on former boss, now has been acquired AWARD) 1 short boot normal 1 short 1 short 1 short initialization system power failure 1 short 1 short 2 short motherboard error 1 short 1 short 3 short CMOS battery failure or 1 short 1 short 4 short ROM BIOS checksum error 1 short 2 short 1 short System clock error 1 short 2 short 2 short DMA initialization failure 1 short 2 short 3 short DMA page register error 1 short 3 short 1 short RAM refresh error 1 2 3 short short short basic memory error 1 Short 3 Short 3 short basic memory error 1 1 4 Short Short Short base memory address line error 1 2 4 Short Short Short basic memory parity error 1 3 4 Short Short Short EISA timing error 1 4 4 Short Short Short EISA NMI port error 1 1 2 short short short before the 64K base memory error 3 short 1 short 1 short DMA register error 1 2 3 Short Short Short Master DMA register error 1 3 3 short short short main interrupt handling error register 1 4 3 short short short from interrupt processing error register 2 short 3 short 4 short Keyboard controller error 1 3 3 short short short main interrupt handling error register 3 short 4 short 2 short display error 3 short 4 short 3 short clock error 4 Short 2 Short 2 Short shutdown error 4 short 2 short 3 short Gate A20 error 4 4 Short Short Short 2 protected mode interrupt error 4 Short 3 short Memory error 1 short 4 Short 3 Short 3 Short 2 clock error 4 short 3 short 4 short clock error 4 1 4 Short Short Short serial port error 4 short 4 short 2 short parallel port error 4 short 3 short 4 short numeric coprocessor error
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