MQ-9 carbon monoxide, combustible gas sensor detection alarm module Arduino
  • MQ-9 carbon monoxide, combustible gas sensor detection alarm module Arduino
  • MQ-9 carbon monoxide, combustible gas sensor detection alarm module Arduino
  • MQ-9 carbon monoxide, combustible gas sensor detection alarm module Arduino

MQ-9 carbon monoxide, combustible gas sensor detection alarm module Arduino

  • SKU: 5012
  • Shipping Weight: 7g
  (9946 Pieces available)
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Product Features Detection method using low temperature cycling (1.5V heating) detection of carbon monoxide, conductivity sensor Carbon monoxide in the air increases with increasing gas concentration, adsorbs at high temperature (5.0V heating) Detection of combustible gases methane, propane and cryogenic cleaning gases. Simple circuits can be used to change the conductivity, The gas concentration is converted to the corresponding output signal. MQ-9 high gas sensor for measuring carbon monoxide, methane, liquefied petroleum gas sensitivity, The sensor can detect a variety of gases containing carbon monoxide and flammable gases, is a low-cost sensor suitable for a variety of applications. product description Sensitive Material MQ-9 gas sensor is used to clean air with lower conductivity of tin dioxide (SnO2).

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