Obstacle avoidance sensors / smart car / infrared sensor
  • Obstacle avoidance sensors / smart car / infrared sensor
  • Obstacle avoidance sensors / smart car / infrared sensor
  • Obstacle avoidance sensors / smart car / infrared sensor

Obstacle avoidance sensors / smart car / infrared sensor

  • SKU: 25112
  • Shipping Weight: 5g
  (10000 Pieces available)
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Product description
This is a digital infrared distance sensor (2 cm to 30 cm). The sensor reads all objects at the same distance, depending on the color and reflectivity factor.

It is ideal for machines that bypass obstacles, projects or products such as water level detection. It can be connected directly to a microprocessor, 3 V or 5 V input. The sensor output is 0 when it does not detect and 1 when it detects.

The supply voltage must be between 3 V and 6 V, ideal for 3 V and 5 V microcontrollers. Enable pin dictates whether the sensor works or not. EN set for the sensor does not work logical 1 and EN set to 0 logical sensor works.

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