On the radio photoelectric sensor; speed sensor B infrared counting sensor; sensor module
  • On the radio photoelectric sensor; speed sensor B infrared counting sensor; sensor module
  • On the radio photoelectric sensor; speed sensor B infrared counting sensor; sensor module
  • On the radio photoelectric sensor; speed sensor B infrared counting sensor; sensor module
  • On the radio photoelectric sensor; speed sensor B infrared counting sensor; sensor module
  • On the radio photoelectric sensor; speed sensor B infrared counting sensor; sensor module

On the radio photoelectric sensor; speed sensor B infrared counting sensor; sensor module

  • SKU: 3039
  • Shipping Weight: 3.5g
  (9680 Pieces available)
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Widely used in motor speed detection, pulse counting, position limit, etc.
Module Features:
1. Use imported slot-type optocoupler sensor with a slot width of 10mm.
2. There is an output status indicator, the output high level light is off, and the output low level light is on.
3. With occlusion, output high level; without occlusion, output low level.
4. Comparator output, the signal is clean, the waveform is good, the driving ability is strong, more than 15mA.
5. Working voltage 3.3V-5V
6. Output form: digital switch output (0 and 1)
7. With fixing bolt holes for easy installation
8. Small board PCB size: 2.3cm x 2cm
9. Use wide voltage LM393 comparator
Module usage instructions:
1. When there is no block in the module slot, the receiving tube is turned on, and the OUT output of the module is low.
OUT output high level;
2. The OUT output interface can be directly connected to the IO port of the microcontroller to detect whether the sensor is blocked or not.
If you use the motor code disc, you can detect the speed of the motor.
2. The module OUT can be connected with a relay to form a limit switch and other functions, or it can be connected with an active bee
The buzzer modules are connected to form an alarm.
Product wiring instructions:
1. VCC is connected to the positive pole of the power supply 3.3-5V
2. GND is connected to the negative pole of the power supply
3. OUT TTL switch signal output

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