OV7725 camera module 300,000 pixels with FIFO STM32 driver strong OV7670

OV7725 camera module 300,000 pixels with FIFO STM32 driver strong OV7670

  • SKU: 36186
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OV7725 camera module 300,000 pixels with FIFO STM32 driver strong OV7670

OV7670 Module refers to the low-cost digital output CMOS camera from Micro-Snow Electronics.
Its camera includes a 300,000 pixel CMOS image sensor, 3.6mm focal length lens and lens mount, and various power supplies required for on-board CMOS chips. 
The board also pulls out the control pins and data pins for easy operation and use.
Pin definition:
3V3: Input power supply voltage (3.3, 5V is recommended, but not recommended)
GDN: Grounding point
SIO_C---SCCB: Control clock of the interface (Note: some low-level microcontrollers require pull-up control, similar to the I2C interface)
SIO_D---SCCB: serial data input (output) of the interface (Note: some low-level microcontrollers require pull-up control, similar to the I2C interface)
VSYNC: frame sync signal (output signal) HREF line sync signal (output signal)
PCLK: pixel clock (output signal)
XCLCK: clock signal (input signal)
D0-D7: Data port (output signal)
RESTE: Reset port (normal use pull high)
PWDN: Power selection mode (normal use pull low)

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