Vibration trigger delay circuit; Delay Module; precise time; can be accessed by a variety of sensors to trigger

Vibration trigger delay circuit; Delay Module; precise time; can be accessed by a variety of sensors to trigger

  • SKU: 2084
  • Shipping Weight: 8g
  (10000 Pieces available)
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Product Features: 1, a high-performance the timing CPU design, double-layer PCB board; 2, the power indicator (red LED) and switch trigger timing indication (green LED); 3, delay output high, can directly drive the relay module (high level module); 4, the module normally open trigger switch instantly closed, module, start the timer lit green LED output high end of timing, the green LED is off, the output low; Trigger end for normally open type vibration sensor, touch switches, reed pipe; 6, triggering the end, such as timing, constantly receives the trigger signal, the module will always delay continues, the relay will not disconnect and flash, until the stop trigger will stop the clock; 7, timing potentiometer adjustment time, the product is designed to 1-190 seconds adjustable (plug in jumpers) and 1-370 seconds (do not plug the jumper cap), and can also be custom time range; 8, the timing error of 5%

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