1 Channel 220V AC Optocoupler Module / 220V optocoupler isolation / detection 220V voltage available / can be accessed by PLC
  • 1 Channel 220V AC Optocoupler Module / 220V optocoupler isolation / detection 220V voltage available / can be accessed by PLC
  • 1 Channel 220V AC Optocoupler Module / 220V optocoupler isolation / detection 220V voltage available / can be accessed by PLC
  • 1 Channel 220V AC Optocoupler Module / 220V optocoupler isolation / detection 220V voltage available / can be accessed by PLC
  • 1 Channel 220V AC Optocoupler Module / 220V optocoupler isolation / detection 220V voltage available / can be accessed by PLC

1 Channel 220V AC Optocoupler Module / 220V optocoupler isolation / detection 220V voltage available / can be accessed by PLC

  • SKU: 27077
  • Shipping Weight: 11.4g
  (9620 Pieces available)
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product description 1 Way 220V AC Optocoupler Module / 220V Optocoupler Isolation / Detection 220V Voltage Available / Available via PLC Circuit access 220V AC photocoupler detection module Role: Can be used to detect the presence of 220V AC Output TTL level with the microcontroller test. The power supply can be 3-5V You can also access the PLC24V level Then PLCs PLC input terminal COM power supply 24V input terminal board signal output OUT photocoupler plate GND power supply negative Blue 2P 5.0 terminal is connected to 220V voltage The 3P terminal is connected to the input of the microcontroller. Plate size: 73 * 15mm

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