BBC micro:bit micro-controller
  • BBC micro:bit micro-controller
  • BBC micro:bit micro-controller
  • BBC micro:bit micro-controller
  • BBC micro:bit micro-controller
  • BBC micro:bit micro-controller
  • BBC micro:bit micro-controller

BBC micro:bit micro-controller

  • SKU: 31001
  • Shipping Weight: 20.9g
  (9995 Pieces available)
  • Description
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product description

You can use your BBC micro: bit to make all sorts of cool pieces from robotics to instruments - the possibilities are endless. This small device has many features, including a flashing 25 red LED lights, two programmable buttons that can be used to control the game or to pause and skip songs on the playlist, detect motion and tell you which one you are facing Direction, and even use low-energy Bluetooth connectivity to interact with other devices and the Internet! characteristic:

Microprocessor: 32-bit ARM CPU
5x5 LED Matrix with 25 Red LED Indicators, Graphical, Scrolling Text and Alphanumeric Characters
Two programmable buttons. Use them as game controllers, or control your music on your smartphone
On-board motion detectors or 3-axis digital accelerometers detect motion, such as shaking, tilting or free-fall
Built-in compass, 3D magnetometer to sense the direction and degree of movement, but also can detect the presence of certain metals and magnets
Bluetooth Smart Technology. Connect micro: bit to other micro: bits, devices, phones, tablets, cameras and other common objects.
Five-ring inputs and outputs (I / O) including power supply (PWR), ground (GRD) and 3 x I / O Read data from sensors and control objects such as motors or robots
20-pin edge connector: This allows the micro: bit to be connected to other devices via standard connectors such as Raspberry Pi, Arduino, Galileo and Cano
Micro-USB Controller: Controlled by a separate processor and presented to the computer as a micro stick:
System LED x 1 Yellow
System button switch x 2

product information
technical details
Product weight 5 ounces
Product Size 6.4 x 4.7 x 1.1 inches
Project size L x W x H 6.42 × 4.72 × 1.1 inches
Voltage 12 volts

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