DHT22 / AM2302 Digital Temperature and Humidity measure sensor m
  • DHT22 / AM2302 Digital Temperature and Humidity measure sensor m
  • DHT22 / AM2302 Digital Temperature and Humidity measure sensor m
  • DHT22 / AM2302 Digital Temperature and Humidity measure sensor m

DHT22 / AM2302 Digital Temperature and Humidity measure sensor m

  • SKU: 23082
  • Shipping Weight: 17g
  (10000 Pieces available)
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product description
The AM2302 is a wired version of the DHT22 with a large plastic housing. This is a basic low-cost digital temperature and humidity sensor. It uses capacitive humidity sensors and thermistors to measure the ambient air and emit digital signals on the data pins (no analog input pins are required). Its use is fairly simple, but requires careful time to grab the data. The only downside of this sensor is that it only gets new data every 2 seconds, so sensor readings can take up to 2 seconds with our library.

Simply turn on the 3-5V red power supply, the yellow wire to the data input pin, and the black wire to ground. Although it uses single wire to send data, it is not Dallas One Wire compatible! If you want more than one sensor, each sensor must have its own data pin!

Compared to the DHT11, the sensor is more accurate and accurate and can operate over a greater temperature / humidity range, but it is larger and more expensive

There is a 5.1K resistor inside the sensor that connects VCC and DATA, so you do not need any extra pull-up resistors

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