GY-521 MPU-6050 module; triaxial accelerometer; gyroscope 6DOF module; code schematic (MPU-6050)
  • GY-521 MPU-6050 module; triaxial accelerometer; gyroscope 6DOF module; code schematic (MPU-6050)
  • GY-521 MPU-6050 module; triaxial accelerometer; gyroscope 6DOF module; code schematic (MPU-6050)
  • GY-521 MPU-6050 module; triaxial accelerometer; gyroscope 6DOF module; code schematic (MPU-6050)
  • GY-521 MPU-6050 module; triaxial accelerometer; gyroscope 6DOF module; code schematic (MPU-6050)
  • GY-521 MPU-6050 module; triaxial accelerometer; gyroscope 6DOF module; code schematic (MPU-6050)
  • GY-521 MPU-6050 module; triaxial accelerometer; gyroscope 6DOF module; code schematic (MPU-6050)
  • GY-521 MPU-6050 module; triaxial accelerometer; gyroscope 6DOF module; code schematic (MPU-6050)

GY-521 MPU-6050 module; triaxial accelerometer; gyroscope 6DOF module; code schematic (MPU-6050)

  • SKU: 2038
  • Shipping Weight: 3.03g
  (9705 Pieces available)
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1. Chip: MPU-6050 2. Power supply: 3v-5V power 3. Gyroscope range: + 250 500 1000 2000 ° / s 4. Acceleration range: ± 2 ± 4 ± 8 ± 16 g 5. Communication: standard IIC communication agreement 6. Chip built-in 16 bit AD converter, 16 bits of data output 7. Pin spacing 2.54 mm

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