HC-08 CC2540 Bluetooth 4.0 Serial Module Low Power Long Distance

HC-08 CC2540 Bluetooth 4.0 Serial Module Low Power Long Distance

  • SKU: 24084
  • Shipping Weight: 1.5g
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product description If you need more details, please contact us. HC-08 Bluetooth Serial Module Bluetooth 4.0 Low-power micro-amperes current long-distance cc2540 HC-08 module uses Bluetooth 4.0 protocol, master-slave communication in pairs. Core Module Size: 27mm x 13mm x 2mm. T XD: Serial Send, 3.3 V TTLLevel.RXD: Serial Port Receive, 3.3V TTLLevel.CTS: Serial Port Flow Control, Temporarily Not Supported. RTS: Serial Port Flow Control, Temporarily Not Supported .DC: Analog, Burn Clock. DD: analog, burn data. RST: Module reset pin, required not less than 5ms, low reset. VCC: Module power pin, requires DC3.3V power supply, the supply current is not less than 100mA. Operating voltage range: 2.0V ~ 3.6V.GND: This module is public. Led: module indicates the output pin, high-level output, and then connect the series resistor. Before connecting, when the host does not record the address of the slave, every 100ms When the host record slave address, 900ms per second 1 second from the machine every 2 seconds. After the connection is completed, led is always on KEY: input pin, internal pull-down. This pin is high and the master clears the recorded slave address. PIO: Extended function to set the machines default internal pullup resistor Master-Slave mode (2) Modify serial baud rate Send: AT + BAUD1 Return: OK1200 Send: AT + BAUD8 Return: OK115200 supports the following 8 baud rates: 1 ---- ----- 12002 -------- - 24003 --------- 48004 --------- 9600 (default is this setting) 5 ------ --- 192006 --------- 384007 - -------- 576008 --------- 115200 Note: After setting the module must be re-power, the new serial port baud rate to take effect Host, from the machine through communication, data packets must have a certain time interval. For example, a baud rate of 1200 bps, a packet length of 120 Bytes, and then a transmission interval

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