MKS TMC2100 Stepper Motor Driver Board with Heat Sink for 3D Printer
  • MKS TMC2100 Stepper Motor Driver Board with Heat Sink for 3D Printer
  • MKS TMC2100 Stepper Motor Driver Board with Heat Sink for 3D Printer
  • MKS TMC2100 Stepper Motor Driver Board with Heat Sink for 3D Printer
  • MKS TMC2100 Stepper Motor Driver Board with Heat Sink for 3D Printer

MKS TMC2100 Stepper Motor Driver Board with Heat Sink for 3D Printer

  • SKU: 26053
  • Shipping Weight: 3.8g
  (10000 Pieces available)
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Product Features Higher operating temperature, 0.5A operating temperature is about 70 degrees, 1A operating temperature over 150 degrees without increasing the fan casing may be out of synchronization, the best working current of about 0.5A For use with Ramps 1.4 or MKS Gen, remove the 3 jumpers under the jack Fins connect directly to the PCB Motor orientation and a4988 and drv8825 the opposite, if you want to directly replace the a4988, adjust the firmware or adjust the motor wiring Please pay special attention to the direction, do not insert backward product description Specifications: - Weight: 10g / pcs -Pros: ultra-quiet - Driving current algorithm: i = Vref * 1.9 / 2.5, the default Vref is about 0.65v, so the default current is 0.5A, the maximum current is 1A- When measuring the voltage must not be connected to the motor, otherwise easy to burn the drive - When measuring voltage, do not connect only USB power - Do not connect the motor when measuring voltage, otherwise it is easy to burn the driver

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