NodeMCU-32S Lua WiFi Internet Development Board Serial WiFi Module Based on ESP32

NodeMCU-32S Lua WiFi Internet Development Board Serial WiFi Module Based on ESP32

  • SKU: 35195
  • Shipping Weight: 9.5g
  (9998 Pieces available)
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NodeMCU-32S Lua WiFi Internet Development Board Serial WiFi Module Based on ESP32

 "NodeMCU - 32 s" based on ESP - 32 s module. The platform USES many open source projects, such as the lua - cjson, spiffs. "NodeMCU - 32 s" contains can run in ESP32 wi-fi SoC chip firmware, and hardware based on ESP - 32 s module. 
 "NodeMCU - 32 s" is the letter can be based on the ESP - 32 s module is the core of the design development board. The development board for NodeMCU 1.0 classic design, which leads to the most of the I/O to both sides of the needle, developers will be able to connect accessories according to your own requirements. Use the bread plate during development and debugging, on both sides of the standard row needles can make the operation more easy and convenient.

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