Photoelectric level switch liquid sensor level switch
  • Photoelectric level switch liquid sensor level switch
  • Photoelectric level switch liquid sensor level switch
  • Photoelectric level switch liquid sensor level switch

Photoelectric level switch liquid sensor level switch

  • SKU: 28125
  (9994 Pieces available)
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Features Optical theory Photoelectric switch Infrared water level sensor for water tank level switch function NPN output for arduinoMCU 1. Compact structure, small size 2 High precision horizontal control 3 High reliability, long life 4.On setting, next group, horizontal And oblique mounting 5. Built-in LEDs and phototransistors 6. Any part of any safety issue that is completely isolated from the so-called liquid



Technical Parameters:      
Output current: 12(mA) Operating temperature: -25~105(℃)
Custom processing: Yes Material: PC
Measuring range: Unlimited Types of: Photoelectric level switch
model: XKC-IR12 measurement accuracy: Critical decision
Scope of application: Humidifiers, air-conditioning fans, steam and other electrical products that require water level control and protection     
voltage: 5V    
Humidifiers, air-conditioning fans, steam and other electrical products that require water level control and protection
1. Compact structure and small size
2. High liquid level control accuracy
3. High reliability and long life
Compared with the existing float type liquid level switch:
1. The liquid level switch is small in size , Compact, Therefore, the space required for installation is small ,The installation process is simple. The existing float type liquid level switch is bulky, Loose structure, The space required for installation is large, Design and installation is complicated.The float type liquid level switch pushes the float of the magnet up and down by the buoyancy of the liquid.  So that the internal reed switch is opened and closed, So the float has a certain level of water intake,  Therefore, the minimum liquid level will be greatly limited, and this level switch does not have this limitation.
2. The liquid level switch can be placed up, down, sideways, and diagonally, while the existing float type liquid level switch can only be placed up and down.
3. The liquid level switch liquid level control accuracy is high within ±0.5mm, while the existing float type liquid level switch has an accuracy of ±3.0mm or even higher.
4. No friction, mechanical moving parts, so the reliability is high, and the existing float type liquid level switch float is extremely easy to be stuck and cause bad.
5. The head is smooth and easy to clean.
6. Built-in emitter diode and phototransistor, so long life.
7. The live parts are completely isolated from the controlled liquid, and there is no safety hazard.


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