• SKU: 24162
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product description processor: 32-bit 2M Flash STM32F427 Cortex M4 with hardware floating-point processing unit The main frequency: 256K, 168MHZ RAM 32-bit STM32F103 backup coprocessor sensor: L3GD20 3-axis digital 16-bit gyroscope LSM303D 3-axis 14-bit accelerometer / magnetometer MPU6000 6-axis accelerometer / magnetometer MS5611 high-precision barometer interface: 5 * UART, 1 * compatible with high voltage, 2 * hardware flow control 2 * CAN Spektrum DSM / DSM2 / DSM-X satellite receiver compatible input Futaba SBUS compatible input and output PPM signal input RSSI (PWM or voltage) input I2C SPI 3.3 and 6.6VADC input External USB MICRO interface Features: - Advanced 32-bit CortexM4 ARM high-performance processor that runs RTOS NuttX real-time operating system; - Integrated backup power supply and failover controller, the main controller can safely switch to standby control; - Provides redundant power input and fault transmission - 14 * PWM / actuator output - Bus interface (UART, I2C, SPI, CAN) - Provides automatic and manual mode - Colorful LED lights - Multi-audio buzzer interface - Micro SD records flight data Package Included 1 * 2.4.8 Pixhawk Master 1 * safety switch 1 * Flight control enclosure 1 * buzzer 1 * 6pin to 6pin line 1 * 4Pin to 4Pin line 1 * 3pin DuPont line 1 * Micro SD card 1 * Crazepony Strap

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