Reprap New Pololu Shield RAMPS-FD for Arduino Due 3D printer controller(instead of RAMPS1.4)
  • Reprap New Pololu Shield RAMPS-FD for Arduino Due 3D printer controller(instead of RAMPS1.4)
  • Reprap New Pololu Shield RAMPS-FD for Arduino Due 3D printer controller(instead of RAMPS1.4)
  • Reprap New Pololu Shield RAMPS-FD for Arduino Due 3D printer controller(instead of RAMPS1.4)
  • Reprap New Pololu Shield RAMPS-FD for Arduino Due 3D printer controller(instead of RAMPS1.4)

Reprap New Pololu Shield RAMPS-FD for Arduino Due 3D printer controller(instead of RAMPS1.4)

  • SKU: 13D022
  (10000 Pieces available)
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Product Features This is Arduino DUE The RAMPS-FD has additional hardware protection to control the motor drive IC through the jumper cap More 2-way PWM than Ramps 1.4 Driving power is larger than the ramp 1.4 product description When you use Arduino Due as the controller for a 3D printer, you may find that RAMPS1.4 is not compatible with DUE. You know that Arduino Due is an Atmel SAM3X8E ARM Cortex-M3-based microcontroller board. It is important that the Atmel SAM3X8E chip used by Atmel operates at 3.3V and a poor 5V input can damage the chip. So we created a new RAMPS variant that is compatible with replacing Ramps 1.4. Why Ramps-FD instead of Ramps1.4 The improvements for Campare Ramps-FD and Ramps 1.4 and Ramps-FD are as follows RAMPS-FD has additional hardware protection and controls motor drive ICs through jumpers * RAMPS -FD more than a ramp 1.4 bidirectional PWM * RAMPS-FD drive power is greater than the ramp 1.4 * RAMPS-FD'POWER has two options: 12v and 24v Why choose Arduino DUE instead of Arduino Mega * CPU work at 3.3V * High current IO pin to provide 15 mA power, 9 mA receiver * Low current IO pin to provide 3 mA power supply, 6 mA sink current * The absolute maximum current of the CPU package is 130mA * Due has 1 dedicated SPI port and 4 multi-purpose USART / SPI ports. The SPI port is connected only to the 6-pin header of ICSP for Mega, but this does not apply Due ICSP. Due There is no EEPROM * Due to lower power consumption and faster computation, the flash memory is larger than the SRAM2560

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