Speak Recognition, Voice Recognition Module V3
  • Speak Recognition, Voice Recognition Module V3
  • Speak Recognition, Voice Recognition Module V3
  • Speak Recognition, Voice Recognition Module V3

Speak Recognition, Voice Recognition Module V3

  • SKU: 19J069
  • Shipping Weight: 19g
  (10000 Pieces available)
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Product Features
Voltage: 4.5-5.5V.
Current: <40mA.
Digital Interface: 5V TTL level for UART interface and GPIO.
Analog Interface: 3.5mm mono microphone connector + microphone pin connector.
Size: 31mm * 50mm.
product description
* Voltage: 4.5-5.5V.
* Current: <40mA.
* Digital Interface: 5V TTL level of UART interface and GPIO.
* Analog Interface: 3.5mm mono microphone connector + microphone pin connector.
* Size: 31mm * 50mm.
* Recognition accuracy: 99% (in the ideal environment).
Features: * Supports up to 80 voice commands, 1500ms per voice (one or two words).
* Up to 7 simultaneous voice commands.
* Easy to control: UART / GPIO.
User controlled general pin output.

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