Features Photosensitive Array: 640 x 480; IO Voltage: 2.5V to 3.0V; Operating Power: 60mW/15fpsVGAYUV; Sleeping Mode: <20 uA; Operating Temperature: -30 to 70 deg C.; Output Format: YUV/YCbCr4:2:2 RGB565/555/444 GRB4:2:2 Raw RGB Data (8 digit); Lens Size: 1/6"; Vision Angle: 25 degree; Max. Frame Rate: 30fps VGA; Sensitivity: 1.3V / (Lux-sec); Signal to Noise Ratio: 46 dB; Dynamic Range: 52 dB; Browse Mode: By row; Electronic Exposure: 1 to 510 row; Pixel Coverage: 3.6um x 3.6um
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