Big EasyDriver Stepper Motor Driver

Big EasyDriver Stepper Motor Driver

  • SKU: 27158
  • Shipping Weight: 6g
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Big EasyDriver stepper motor driver
product description
Designed by Brian Schmalz, the Big Easy Driver is a stepper motor driver board for bipolar stepper motors up to 2A / phase. It is based on the Allegro A4983 stepping driver chip. This is the next version of the popular Easy Driver board. Each BigEasyDriver can drive a bipolar stepper motor about 2A per phase. This is a chopper microstep driver, the default is 16 microstep mode. It can withstand a maximum motor drive voltage of around 35V and includes a 5V / 3.3V on-board regulator, so only one power supply is required. Although this board should be able to run most systems without active cooling, a heat sink is recommended to approximate the 2A / phase load. You can find the recommended heat sink in the related items below.
Note: The arrow indicator on the current adjustment potentiometer is backwards. Remember this if you are adjusting the current restrictions.
Features: Bipolar Microstepping Driver 2A / Phase Max Motor Drive
Voltage: 35V Onboard 5V / 3.3V regulation

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