Product description Color:Red parameters: IN+: input + IN-:input- OUT+ :output+ OUT-:output - Note: Please do not use the module to charge the battery, if Input terminal Stops power supply ,Battery Reverse voltage Will damage the module.{If you must use your own positive plus a diode in the output +} Input voltage :4.5-24V (Note: Be sure to stay voltages in order not to the max voltage, otherwise damaged the moudle!) Output voltage range: 0.93 V-20V (step-down mode, the input must be greater than the output 2V) output current :0-2A adjustable Output power: 20W ammeter :0.00-2 .00 A (only display module output current) Voltmeter: input 4.5-24V, output 0.9-20V Size: 52mm * 33mm * 18mm
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